News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, August 31, 2018

Third Grade Buddies

At Shenandoah Valley, each grade level partners with another grade level and pairs students together as buddies for the whole year. Our class was so excited this week to meet our third grade buddies! For our first activity together, we interviewed our buddies and learned about them. Make sure to ask your child about his or her new buddy!

We have been working hard during Morning Centers time. During Morning Centers, each table works on a different activity. During this time, I am able to work with students in small groups and individually. They have been working very hard during this time!

This week, we learned a lot about our second letter in Panther PRIDE, React Responsibly. We talked throughout the week about ways to be responsible. We decided to make a list (actually it was the kids' idea!) of all the ways we want to focus on being responsible at school in order to: stay safe, help us learn, and be kind to one another/have fun. Make sure to talk about these ways our class has promised to be responsible, and talk with your child about ways to be responsible at home. 

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