News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, February 1, 2019

Lead Time

Today was our first time having Lead Time. During Lead Time, our entire school participates in various leadership opportunities. In grades 3 through 5, it becomes a little more personalized for each child; however, in kindergarten, first and second grades, we engage in leadership more collectively. For our kindergarten Lead Time, we are working on making posters to eventually create a collective production to teach incoming kindergarten students and families about The 7 Habits of Happy Kids.
For our first Lead Time, we switched classes (our class went to Mrs. Hunn's classroom), and talked about Habit 2 - begin with the end in mind. They read a story and discussed the habit, then started creating posters to include in our presentation about the habits. We also had third graders working with our class as part of their individualized leadership opportunities. It was a great day!

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