News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, January 18, 2019

Math Workshop & Tablet Exploration

We have been very busy learning all about addition during math. Part of our independent work time during our daily math curriculum time is called Math Workshop. During Math Workshop, kids are engaged in many different kinds of learning. Some children may be practicing a skill by playing a math game (independently or with a partner/group), while others may be extending their learning in Dreambox on a Chromebook, and other children may be working with me in a small group. Using a workshop model allows each child to work on skills that appropriately challenge him/her. The other bonus is that the kids love workshop time! Make sure to ask your child about a game we used this week during workshop, Shake 10. 

Today our class started our new science unit, Pushes and Pulls. We will be using Android tablets to support our learning throughout this unit, so today we practiced navigating and using them. We used the camera app to take photos of our classmates, as we will be using a camera to document our learning throughout the unit. Stay tuned for lots more work from this fun science unit!

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