News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Saturday, December 1, 2018


This week, we spent some time with our third grade buddies! We focused on Habit 3 - Begin with the End in Mind. We read the story of The Very Busy Spider and discussed how it was an example of Habit 3. The kids then worked with their buddies to create their own puzzles, thinking about their "end" as they created it. Many buddy partnerships decided to make a puzzle of something they wanted to accomplish (ex: learning to play the piano, learning to read, etc.). They had a lot of fun doing this together. Next week, I will send home some blank puzzles for you to create one at home with your family if you would like.

Yesterday, we took on a class project to create our own (paper) gingerbread town. We brainstormed all the people and places a town needs, such as a police station, hospital, post office, grocery store, etc. We discussed why each building and the people who work in that building are important to a community. Each child then worked on creating a gingerbread building. Next week, we'll add some writing to go with our buildings. Be on the lookout for our gingerbread town in the hallway. Make sure to ask your child about the building he/she created!

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