News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, May 18, 2018

Buddies, Plants, and Heading to First Grade!

We have had a very busy week! We met with our third grade buddies for the last time this year and talked about Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. We learned about ways to take care of yourself, do things you enjoy, and relax. All of these things make you better at your job! We sharpened our saws with our buddies by playing and relaxing outside with bubbles, hula hoops, chalk, games, frisbees, and more!

This week, we have also been learning about plants and living things in science. We observed seeds and learned how seeds grow into plants. We "planted" five kinds of seeds in cotton balls inside clear plastic gloves so we can watch them germinate. We made predictions about which seeds will sprout first. Hopefully they will cooperate with us and sprout before next Thursday!

On our ABC Countdown this week, we had letter Q...questions for first graders day! We visited Mrs. Cacioppo's first grade classroom and asked the first graders questions about first grade. Some popular questions we had about first grade:
  • Do you have Learning Centers? (sadly, no)
  • How many recesses do you have? (2)
  • Do you still get to eat lunch everyday? (yes!)
  • Do you have your own desk? (in some classrooms, yes; in other classrooms, you get a seat sack)
  • Do you have field trips? (yes, 2 or 3)
  • Do you have homework? (yes, weekly)
  • Are the teachers nice? (definitely!)
  • Do you like first grade? (unanimous yes!)
We can't believe these sweet kids are headed to first grade so soon!


  1. This year flew by! Thank you for all the incredible memories you created for our kiddos! ❤️❤️

  2. I’m crying reading this. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog. I look forward to it every week! What a great class and amazing teacher. We couldn’t be more lucky having you. The first grade teachers have some big shoes to fill after you. We’re going to miss you sooooo much ������ -Brittany Collier

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it! It's easy being a teacher when I have such wonderful kids and parents!

  3. Mrs. Knowles, thank you so much for these wonderful blogs each week! I've enjoyed sharing them with Evan and my parents. The extra time you have taken to create these blogs is greatly appreciated! Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher to our kids! We will miss you!

    1. I have fun doing the blog, and I'm so glad you enjoy it, too! I am going to miss these kids (and all of you, parents!) so much next year!
