News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, April 6, 2018

Future Careers

We had so much fun on Dress Like Your Future Career Day this past Monday. Everyone was so excited to show off their outfits. We took turns guessing one another's careers, and then each child explained why that was his/her career of choice. It was a great celebration for our positive behavior!

This week, we also had the oppotunities to be leaders at our all school assembly. During our school Lead Time over the past few months, the kindergarten students have been embracing the role of being Birthday Celebration Leaders. They have made hundreds of birthday cards for each child in our school to receive on his/her birthday. We have also been learning how to sing "Happy Birthday" in different languages. At our assembly this week, we performed "Happy Birthday" in Chinese and Hindi to celebrate all the birthdays in our school. They were very excited (and some very nervous!), and they did a wonderful job! Make sure to check out our Shenandoah Facebook page for videos of the performances.

We are so proud of our kindergarten leaders!

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