News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, March 9, 2018

Published Authors!

Meet the newly published authors! Today our class shared their personal narrative books they published with a first grade class. They were both excited and a little nervous to show off their work to first graders, but they were so proud of themselves after they shared. The first graders were impressed by their work and gave each child compliments on things he/she did well as an author and illustrator. Make sure to ask your child about the book he or she published ('ll also get a chance to see it at your child's conference next week). The photos below show them reading their books to Mrs. Wolk's first grade class.

This week we also spent time in science exploring magnets. Check out some photos of your smart scientists exploring items around our classroom that were attracted to their magnet wands. They also did recording about their new learning in their science notebooks.

We had a great week!

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