News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, February 23, 2018

Show & Tell Celebration

Our Show & Tell Celebration today was so much fun! Everyone was so excited to share about his/her special item from home, and they did a wonderful job both sharing and listening to others share. You could have heard a pin drop in the room because they were so interested in their friends' special items. Each child shared three things about his/her item and then asked for questions (as you can imagine...some of the questions were pretty entertaining!).


We have been continuing our study of Force and Motion in science. This week, we have learned a lot about friction. We explored how differenct surfaces create friction using matchbox cars and ramps. We used bubble wrap, sand paper, felt, and wax paper. The kids also found other things in the room to use, too! They loved exploring this concept and learned so much. After exploring the matchbox car on wax paper, one child even said that he now knows why cars shouldn't drive when it's icy outside. We definitely have some budding scientists in our room!


  1. Thank you so much for your blogs! I love getting a look into what they do each week.

  2. Thanks for recording those good memories

  3. Glad you’re enjoying it! The kids love seeing it too.
