News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Winter Break!

Yesterday, we had an Emmy award winning storyteller, Bobby Norfolk, come tell stories to the kids. They absolutely loved it! Make sure to ask your children about the story of The Tortoise and The Hare and the song the turtle sang. 😊

Happy Winter Break! The kids were all so excited and shared all their plans for their time off. Wishing you and all of your families a wonderful holiday season and break!


Friday, December 14, 2018

Surprise Visitor

This week was VERY exciting for us because we had a surprise visit from Spiderman! Spiderman had heard what SUPER readers we were, so why not have a visit from a SUPERhero?! We never did see Spiderman, but he left a note and a very special tool to help us have "pointer power". We also found evidence that he was here...there were lots of spiderwebs all around our classroom!

Inside the bag he left for us were special Power Pointers! These lights to wear on our pointer fingers will help us activate our super reading power, "pointer power". Take a look at all of your readers using their pointer powers!

Make sure to have your child show you his or her pointer power at home!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Classification and Writing!

We have been busy growing in kindergarten this week! We kicked off the week with pajama and stuffed animal you can see, it was a huge hit. We taught our stuffed animals how to be responsible kindergarteners.

Today we practiced classifying items into categories with similar attributes. We then recorded and analyzed our data, comparing it with our classmates' data.

We have also been working hard as writers. Today we created new books and worked with our partners to share the good work we have already done and our plans for how to make our books even better.

Looking forward to another great week next week!