News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, November 3, 2017

A Surprise Visitor 

Today, we came inside after our lunch recess and noticed something very strange in our classroom...there were spiderwebs everywhere! We were very confused until we found the note below. The real Spider-Man had actually come to our classroom! 😁

Spider-Man had left our Super Readers special pointer lights to help them "activate their pointer power" for reading! The kids were AMAZED that Spider-Man did this for we were walking through the hallway to go to Art later on, they excitedly told every adult we passed that Spider-Man came to our classroom because of their reading super powers! As you can see below, they took their reading jobs very seriously and used their power pointers to help them read.

We can't wait to see what other reading super powers these Super Readers learn during this new reading unit. 😊

Our Fall Party, on Halloween, was so much fun! The kids loved dressing up in their own costumes, too. On Halloween, we also practiced pointing to words while partner reading using fingers! The kids brought their witch fingers home with them on Halloween, so make sure to remind them to find their witch finger if they need a little reminder to use their "pointer power" while reading.

We hope all of you had a happy Halloween!

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