News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, September 8, 2017

We Are All Alike, We Are All Different

This week, we read two books to learn about ourselves and our classmates:
Image result for we are all alike we are all different book imageImage result for the colors of us book image

After we read, We Are All Alike We Are All Different, by the Cheltenham Elementary School Kindergarteners (the kids thought this was amazing!), our class talked about ways we are all alike as kindergarten kids and ways we are all different. The kids had so many great ideas!

We also talked about how we all look different and we all have different skin colors. The book, The Colors of Us, by Karen Katz, compares different skin tones to foods and discusses how we are all a shade of brown that is just the right shade for us. The book has wonderful imagery, and the kids loved it. They were very interested in comparing their skin tones and describing what their own shades looked like.

Mr. Ryan, one of our counselors, came to talk to our class this week and explain his job at school. The kids loved meeting him and his Mr. Potato Head.

One of the highlights of our week was getting to meet our third grade buddies! Throughout the year, we will meet with our third grade buddies at least once a month, if not more. The kids LOVE having a big kid buddy! The third graders interviewed their new kindergarten buddy to learn more about them, and the kindergarteners also got a chance to ask their third grader some questions about him/her. Make sure to ask your child about his/her buddy!

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