News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Cook a Thanksgiving Turkey

This is one of my favorite activities of the year! We have a special collection of Thanksgiving Turkey recipes as told by your kindergarten children. Please don't try these at home! 😂 You can guess which recipe is your child's and find out for sure when our How to Cook a Thanksgiving Turkey class book makes its way to your house. 😊

So first you get a turkey from the store, like a grocery store. Then you go home and you put stuff on it. Put any flavor you want on it, like we like the strawberry flavor, and put it on a plate. Set your oven, like turn it on to a very hot temperature, like 70 degrees. Get the turkey inside there and cook it for at least 8 minutes. Then you eat it.
Find an Aldi’s and then you get a turkey there with your credit card. Take it home and make sure you add the toppings. The toppings are spices, and you rub them in with your hands. Then put it in the grill on medium. Cook it for half an hour. When it’s done you poke it. Then you know it’s ready.

Well, like you set the turkey in a dish and put maybe some spice or something on the turkey, sprinkle it on. Put it in the microwave for about 5 minutes. Then take it out of the microwave and cut it up, well make sure your dad or mom uses the knife. Then you eat it with stuffing and mashed potatoes and maybe like some green beans and gravy.

First you get a turkey from the farm. Don’t forget to cut off the feathers. And then you cook it. Well, while you’re cooking it you put lots of spices and stuff on it. Cook it in the microwave or the stove for aboutmaybe like, 20 minutes or maybe 20 hours. Who knows? Then you eat it for Thanksgiving and you call over all your friends for the Thanksgiving party, and man, they will love that turkey.

First get the turkey from the pantry. You put salt on it and you can put it in the oven. Cook it in there with medium hot for like 2 seconds maybe. And I think then you when you’re done doing everything, you can put it on the table to have for dinner. Then my family usually cuts it and then we all share it.

The turkey is outside and you catch it with your hands. Put other turkey in it. Cook it in the oven for 5 days or minutes. Then eat it with your mom and dad and your brothers.

First you make him. Like you put salt, water, juice, ice, and cereal inside the turkey and mix it up. Shake it so some salt can get off it because sometimes we forget to do that, and we don’t like the salt so much. Put it in the oven on hot for 20 seconds. Then we put it in the table and we start cutting it so we can start eating it.
Eat it at a restaurant.
Get a turkey at Target. Put carrots on it, put salt on it, put sugar on it, put leaves on it, put cheese on it. Then put it in the microwave. Cook it medium for 4 hours. Then you eat it.
Buy a turkey at the farm. Take it back home and cook it. Put salt or butter on top of the turkey and set it in the stove. Turn it on 40 and cook it for 50 hours. Then you take it out and put it on a plate. Then you eat it.
You can get your turkey at Walmart, or we like Aldi. We take it home, the turkey. Cook it in your oven set to 50 heat for 5 long minutes. Then we put the stuffing in the turkey and after that we just eat it.
My mom and dad go to a farm and somebody babysits me. My mom and dad get turkey food and they lay it on the floor, and then the turkey comes and they grab it before the turkey sees them. Then my mom and dad come back home and my babysitter goes back home to her family. So we gently get our hand and wiggle it over the turkey and around the turkey to get the feathers off because one time I tried having the feathers on it, and wow I didn’t like it. So after the feathers are off, then my mom puts it in a pan. Then my mom cooks it in the stove for 20 minutes. When it’s done, she cuts it up and then she cuts it into tiny pieces. Then she puts my favorite salt on and then she cuts it one more time and then she’s done.
Go to a store like a grocery store. You have to buy the turkey there, and buy a big one. Buy the turkey with dollars at the checkout. Take it home and take it out of the bag and put it in the oven. Turn it on 25 degrees and keep it in there for 4 minutes. Put on gloves and take it out. You maybe put some stuff on it. Then peel the skin off and cut it up to eat on Thanksgiving.
First put the turkey in a medium big pot. Then I think you put in maybe fish and crab legs and some soup. Then you mix it all up with a big cooking spoon. Stir it. Cook it on top of the stove for maybe like 39 hours. When the bell for the timer rings, you take it out and wait until it cools off, then eat it.
Find a farm with lots of turkeys and chase them, then catch one with a net. Take the turkey to your house and cut the feathers off with a knife. I don’t know really what you do, because I don’t like turkey, but you just cook it. Cook it in the oven at 10 degrees for probably 9 hours. Then it’s ready to take out and eat.
First get the turkey out of the refrigerator. Then you put it in a large pan. Put it in the oven. Set the oven for 10 degrees, and cook it in there for 7 minutes. Then you eat.
Well, I never have cooked a turkey before, EVER, but I think first you take the turkey and you put some meat in. Then I think you add some water on the inside and stir it up. Then you cook it in an oven, like I think it’s supposed to be on 54. I think you should cook it for 23 minutes. If it’s done, you see that the turkey now looks a little bit bigger. You also see the turkey, like, the turkey is different looking now. There are different kinds of turkeys. Some are better than others. But you know it’s done so you take it out of the oven and put it on a plate for the dinner. Put everything on the plate that you like with your turkey, like cranberries and bread and carrots and lettuce and apples.
Well, I know how my family does it. My family just does it and keeps it a secret. We never get to see how they cook it because we all have to gather around our table and sit there while they cook it secretly in the kitchen, so that’s why I never know how a turkey is cooked. It must be a secret recipe because it’s our tradition of Thanksgiving is to wait at the table while my grandma cooks everything, all the delicious food. One time I snuck out of my seat and peeked, but when I peeked, Grandma was saying “Ok, I’m about to bring out the turkey!” so I ran back to my seat. I guess I’ll never know the recipe.
Go to the turkey store and get a turkey that’s tender and yummy. Make sure you buy it with money or your mom’s credit card. Go to your car and your mom drives you to your home. Then you have to cook it in the oven. Set the oven on a little hot and a little cold. Leave it in the oven for about minutes. Take it out of the oven and then you have to put it on the Thanksgiving plate. Then you have Thanksgiving dinner and it’s really good.

So first you go at the store and you buy a turkey and then you cook it in the oven for 5 minutes. The oven is 100 degrees. When the timer goes off, then you open the oven and then you take the turkey out. Put some toppings on it, like whatever you want, like maybe some sprinkles, maybe you put milk on it, or whatever you like. Then you eat it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Exploring Shadows

This week in science we have been learning about light and shadows. We explored shadows with flashlights, and we observed our shadows outside. Below are some of the smart observations your children made.

  • Shadows are shapes.
  • Shadows move when an object moves.
  • Shadows show outlines of objects.
  • Shadows are made when light is blocked by something.
  • Shadows are cooler than light.
  • Shadows can change throughout the day.
  • It is hard to see shadows when it's cloudy outside or dark.
  • Shadows can be long or short.
  • Many things make shadows.

We also got to spend some time with our third grade buddies from Mrs. Williams' class this week learning about Habit 6, Synergize. We practiced synergizing to make puzzles and play board games together. The kindergarteners and third graders both love spending time with their buddies. It is so much fun to watch them together!