News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, August 30, 2019

We Are All Alike, We Are All Different

This week in kindergarten, we read a special books, We Are All Alike We Are All Different, by the Cheltenham Elementary School Kindergarteners.

Image result for we are all alike we are all different image

This book helped us think about the ways in which we are both alike and different from one another. Here were some of the ideas your kids shared about ways we are alike and different:

We are alike -

  • We are all kids.
  • We all like to eat.
  • We all go to Shenandoah Valley.
  • We all have hearts.
  • We all have shoes.
  • We all like playing.

We are all different - 
  • We have different families and live with different grown ups.
  • We like to play different things.
  • We wear different clothes.
  • Our hair is different.
  • We like different books.
  • Our houses don't look the same.
Yesterday, we recorded our own favorites on a recording sheet, and today we compared our favorites with our classmates. We found that some things were alike (same favorite food, favorite show, color eyes or hair, etc.), and we found that some things were different. It was a great activity for all of them, and they got to learn a little more about their classmates.

Make sure to ask your child what he or she learned that was alike and different than his/her classmates. 😊

We also learned about meditation today, and how meditating can help you feel calm, relaxed, and ready to learn. We are using the Calm Schools program. It is a great resource, and we are looking forward to learning even more about meditation!

Looking forward to a fun week ahead next week!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Meet Our Class

Hello! We have had a great first full week in kindergarten! The kids have enjoyed playing, learning, listening, and getting to know each other. This week, our blog post features each and every one of our class' very smart and special kindergarten students. Have your child tell you something he or she knows about each student. 😊

We have also been very busy learning about letters and numbers. This week, we went on a hunt around the classroom for things that begin with the letter Mm. The children worked with partners to find as many things they could to add to our basket of Mm things. We also had fun doing yoga together to help us refocus after lunch recess and be the best learners we can be.

We are looking forward to another fun week next week!