News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes!

Just in time for Thanksgiving, our kindergarten kids have created some delicious turkey recipes for you! We hope you enjoy our collection of recipes for Thanksgiving as told by your children. 😄 See if you can figure out which recipe belongs to your child. You will find out for sure when your child has a chance to bring home the class book, How to Cook a Turkey. Enjoy!

I would get the turkey at the grocery store. I guess how to make it is you put some turkey juice inside of the turkey with the turkey bone and then you mix the turkey juice with meat to make it, and then you put it all in the oven to roast. Roast it for about 5 minutes on 90 degrees. And then you also probably like put it on a plate and you don’t like eat it out of the oven, and then you like put it on the plate and then that’s how you get ready to eat turkey for Thanksgiving.
Put the turkey with oil in a pot. Then you put in a leaf and put in the place where you warm things, like the microwave. Heat it for 7 minutes on low and then I’ll decorate it. Decorate it with some leaves, some sprigs, and some pumpkin pie. I think that’s it. Time to eat!
First put ham in there, in the belly, the turkey belly. Put some pudding in too to make it fat. You put some pumpkin pie in too. Cook the turkey in the oven for 85 hours. Put some potatoes in too and some blueberries and some oranges, brownies and a bun. Now you can eat it!
First put frosting on it, chocolate frosting, and put it on the outside and top and the inside. Then sprinkle it with sprinkles. Then put the chicken on top of the turkey. Then cook it in a bowl on the stove for 8 minutes on warm temperature. Then you can eat it!
Buy the turkey at a store. You bring it home. Put it in the oven for 30 minutes. Put some stuffing inside. Take it out of the oven and then you cut the turkey, and then you eat it.
Buy a turkey in Aldi’s. You put it in the microwave and you put some salt and pepper and like different kind of fruits in the plate with the turkey, like a big plate. Turn on the microwave for 10 or 78 minutes. Then you have people visit in your house, and you let them eat it and some good desserts. 
First get out the plate, then I buy the turkey at a store like Walmart. And then when you get the turkey back put it on the plate, actually when you get back, put the turkey and the plate in the oven and then wait for an hour and then you take the turkey out and then you serve the turkey on a plate. You can put mashed potatoes on the turkey and you can put peas on those mashed potatoes and corn, and then all around the turkey there can be cranberries and some salad. And there can be some gravy outside of the plate and everyone needs water after they eat to rinse out the taste. So you can taste something new. And that’s it!
Get the turkey, like find it at ‘Walmark’ or the farm. Leave on the feathers because they will falls out, and put some salads on it, and tomatoes, and milk, and cookies, and water, and then put it on the plate. Cook it in my oven with warm degrees for a long minutes, 56. We add pepperoni and toppings. Spray it with olive oil and then we spray the salad and then it’s all ready.
First take some chicken and then you cook it and you find a turkey to roast and then you roast the turkey in the oven I think. Roast it in the oven 15 minutes or 60 hours, or something similar. Then you add some cranberries, noodles, lettuce and some other stuff to it to make it really good to eat. Then it’s time to eat it.
First we get a turkey, like you buy a turkey at Schnucks, like maybe around 50 pounds. You need a really huge turkey for everyone. Then you bring it home. Like sometimes my mom and dad cook it in the oven, and you put the turkey on this oven pan and get it into the oven. The oven should be 60 percent degrees and you cook it in there for a long time, like probably 40 hours. Then we take the pan out of the oven and wait until the thing cools down, and then we eat it. 
First buy the turkey at a grocery store, like the grocery store we go to for our turkey is called Schnucks. We bring it home in the middle seat in between our car seats. And then we take it out of the bag and then put it on a pan. Then when we get close enough to dinner, we put a little butter on it….like you put some of the little squares of butter on it and spread it around. Then put it in the oven, in a mostly warm oven, like 60 degrees for about 15 or 20 minutes. We set a timer. When the timer goes off and it’s ready, then we take it to the dining room table. Then we get our plates and start eating.
Buy a turkey at a shop. Put it in the oven on 1,800 degrees. Keep it in there for 30 minutes. Put on the oven mittens and take it out. Then put it on the table and take it apart and then you can eat it.
Get a turkey wrapped up at the store. Then take it home and put the stuffing in it. Cook it in the oven and it should be 30 degrees. It stays cooking for 50 minutes. Then mom takes it out of the oven and it’s time for dinner.
First get all the ingredients out with my mom. The ingredients are probably meat, meat softener, milk, oh and donut crème…you know the stuff inside donuts?... ok, well that really helps the turkey soften up. First use the meat softener and make the turkey into the shape of the turkey. Use a roller to shape the turkey into the best shape for Thanksgiving. Then take the other stuff and sprinkle it on. After all that, put the turkey on a oven plate and cook it in the oven. Well, actually I can’t put it in the oven, but my mom does. It’s too dangerous for me. The turkey package says the meat should be in the oven at 95%, and make sure you cook it for that for about 10 minutes. Then my mom lets it cool down for me. My mom and dad start eating, but my mom and dad set mine on the counter for me so it can cool up…no, I mean cool down.
Pick a turkey out at a store, any store, like Cosco. Get one that is 10 pounds. Then you bake it at home. Set the turkey on a medium or small plate. Brush it with syrup and then put it in the oven. Turn on the oven to hot temperature, and bake the turkey for about 6 minutes. Then check it to see if it’s cooked or not. You can check it and poke it. If it’s not really cooked then you do it again and see how long and then you just do it again and see if it’s cooked or not. If it is, you take it to the table to eat.
First buy a turkey at Schnucks. Bring it home and cut it in four pieces. Put it on a pan and cook it at home. Cook it on a plate too in the microwave for 5 hours. Then you can eat it.

We had a lot of fun looking at all of our turkey disguises this week! We made a book about our turkeys and will soon have a class book about them. These turkeys are sure to be safe from Thanksgiving!

Wishing you and your families a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Veterans Day

We had a wonderful celebration for Veterans Day today! The kids braved the cold and loved the parade. After our parade, we had an all school assembly to honor our veterans. Make sure to ask your child about the branches of the military we learned about during our assembly. Many of the kids were amazed walking into school today and during the parade saying, "I saw a REAL veteran walking in our school!!" Thank you to all veterans for your service! 💓

Monday, November 5, 2018

Fall Party! (and a little science)

We had a wonderful Fall Party last Wednesday! The kids loved being in their costumes and celebrating together! Thank you to all the parents who helped plan for the party, donated supplies, or helped during the party. We really appreciated your help! We were also so lucky that Ameya's mom took wonderful photos of the party for us! You can check them out here. 

Last week during science we explored the idea of shadows changing throughout the day. We worked with partners and checked our shadows three different times throughout the day, tracing them so we could compare them better at the end of the day. The kids were amazed at how they changed!