News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, January 26, 2018

100 Days Smarter!

We had a lot of fun this week celebrating our 100th day of school. We made crowns that have collections of 100 stickers and/or dots. We made 100 glasses and talked about 3 digit numbers. We also made portraits of what we think we will look like when we're 100 years old!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Time to Relax

In kindergarten, we learn a lot about our emotions and how our emotions affect our actions and behavior. We talk about how being calm, both mentally and physically, helps us focus on learning. We have been practicing guided relaxation, and the kids are even starting to use the strategies we've learned independently when they feel the need to get back to calm and focused.

As we are delving into our new reading unit, we have just begun using Book Boxes! Children are starting to read and be responsible for books appropriate to their own individual reading levels. It is amazing to see the reading they are doing independently now, and they are very excited to "shop" for books to keep in their book boxes.

Friday, January 12, 2018


This week was a very exciting one...our class was recognized at our assembly on Wednesday. Each month we have a school-wide assembly on Late Start days. At each assembly, our school focuses on a different habit. This assembly focused on Habit 6: Synergize. During the assembly, a fifth grader named Stephanie, recognized our class as an example of synergy. She explained to the school that she has watched our class grow and learn how to synergize together, specifically when we clean up after Learning Centers each day. She asked our class to stand up and be recognized, and we received a big round of applause from the school. The kids were SO excited and proud. They have been talking about it ever since. It was fun for me to see how honored they were!

Our class with Stephanie

Synergy In Action with Our Buddies!
When we met with our buddies this week, we also talked more about synergy. Groups of buddies worked together to build the tallest towers they could, making sure everyone was participating in some way. They had so much fun together!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Indoor Recess

Happy New Year! We are so excited to be back in kindergarten, and the kids have loved seeing each other again. Since it has been too cold to go outside, we have been getting some extra play time in our classroom. The kids always find new and interesting ways to use the toys and games in our classroom for their play. They have had a great two days back at school!