News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, October 27, 2017

Healthy Choices, Healthy Kids

We have been busy this week in kindergarten! We celebrated Healthy Choices, Healthy Kids week and had a lot of fun with our themed dress up days. We also studied our sense of touch, as we explored different objects that are smooth, rough, soft, and hard. Today, Officer Kaatman came to talk to all of our kindergarten classes about Halloween Safety. The kids also got trick or treating bags from the Chesterfield Police Department. Make sure to ask your child about some of the safety tips we learned!

Wear Red for Heart Health

Crazy Socks Day

Crazy Hair/Hat Day

Sense of Touch

Friday, October 20, 2017

Science Senses 

We have been studying the five senses during science. The kids have loved becoming scientists and have learned about making and recording their observations, just as real scientists do. We practiced using "lookers" and magnifying glasses and went outside to observe nature using our sense of sight. To study our sense of smell, we had a fun Mystery Smelling Safari, and the kids had to smell different extracts on cotton balls to determine what each smell was. We also practiced using only our sense of hearing by going outside, closing our eyes, and listening. Each time, we recorded our observations. They have been working so hard and learning so much!




Thursday, October 12, 2017

Pumpkin Patch and a Very Special Celebration

Our field trip to Thies Farms was so much fun! The weather held out, and we had a great day. The kids loved the tractor ride around the farm, and they were able to see the different stages of the life cycle of a pumpkin in action. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came with us on the trip!

We even found the Billy Goats (Gruff)!

We had a very special celebration at the end of our first reading unit....a whole school parade to celebrate our kindergarten readers! The kids in first, second, third, fourth and even fifth grade lined the halls, along with their teachers, and applauded our kids as they walked through the halls, carrying their Old Favorite storybooks. It was so special! The kids also wore the "gold medals" they received for becoming readers. It was so fun for us to watch how proud and excited the kids were. The big kids at school were also so proud of our kids as well, making signs and posters for them, and asking them to high five them as they walked through the hallway.

Our We Are Readers parade was the same day as our field trip, and as one of the kids put was the best day of their lives! The pumpkin patch, winning a gold medal, and being in a parade does make for a pretty exciting day in kindergarten! 😁