News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, October 28, 2016

Halloween Party!

We had our first Halloween party today! Everyone was so excited and we all wore our costumes! We had spider races, pin the "Boo!" on the ghost, spider hats, and ghosts! Thanks to all of our parents who were able to come help us celebrate today!

Red Ribbon Week

During Red Ribbon Week, we have learned about taking care of ourselves, being a good friend, and treating others the way we want to be treated. Check out our spirit! We had so much fun dressing up each day!

Monday- Pajama Day!

 Tuesday- Tie Dye Day!

 Wednesday- Super Hero Day!

 Thursday- Jersey Day!

 Friday- Red Day!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Witch Fingers

This week we have practiced reading our emergent story books. We read the book Orange Pumpkin, Orange Pumpkin, What Do You See? While reading our books, we are practicing using witch fingers to point to each word as we read. Check out our fun fingers!

Friday, October 14, 2016

First Field Trip!

This week we had our first field trip to Thies Farm! It was a fun filled day with great weather! We went on a tractor ride around the farm, climbed hay stacks, went through corn mazes, and tackled the obstacle courses! We also received souvenir pumpkins to take home from the farm. After, we had a picnic lunch and played on the playground at Central Park. Everyone had a great time!

Thank you to all of our parent volunteers who were able to come help out for our field trip!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Our Texture Bears

During science, we have been learning about our 5 senses. This week, we made our texture bears out of all different textures brought from home and used our sense of touch! We felt soft, rough, and bumpy textures to glue on our bears.

It may look messy, but we had lots of fun making our own creations! Our fabulous texture bears will be displayed around the classroom!