News and photos from our kindergarten classroom...

Friday, December 16, 2016

Winter Party!

We had so much fun at our Winter Party this afternoon! Thank you to all of our parents who were able to help! We made snowmen crafts, snow globes, played gingerbread bingo, and had a hot chocolate bean bag toss!

Friday, December 9, 2016

3rd Grade Buddies

On Wednesday, our buddies in 3rd grade visited our Kindergarten class! We worked together to make cards for a nursing home. We drew pictures, and our buddies helped us write, "Happy Holidays!" and "Happy New Year!" We hope everyone at the nursing home will love our cards!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Writing Celebration

We have finished our Bookmaking writing unit! This week, we celebrated our hard work by publishing our first stories and sharing them with the class. Everyone did such a great job sharing their stories and I can't wait to see our writers grow!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Say Something

This week we started our new Talk unit in reading. Students each have a partner, and while we read a book together, we stop and talk to our partner about what we are noticing, thinking, feeling, and predicting about the story. The other partner then responds if they agree or disagree, and explain why. Even though we just started talking to our partners this week, everyone has been doing a fabulous job sharing their thinking! I can tell we have many great readers in our class!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day Celebration!

Happy Veteran's Day! We had so much fun watching the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, the Parkway Central Band, and all of our Veteran's walk in the parade! Everyone received their own flag to wave during the parade as well!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Commander Chauncey

Today we had a special visitor present to all of kindergarten. Commander Chauncey visited our class today to tell us about Veteran's Day and how they use Panther Pride just like us!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Halloween Party!

We had our first Halloween party today! Everyone was so excited and we all wore our costumes! We had spider races, pin the "Boo!" on the ghost, spider hats, and ghosts! Thanks to all of our parents who were able to come help us celebrate today!